Part M concerns specifically the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances together with the approval of organizations and personnel involved in these tasks. First to understand that EASA the abbreviation for European Aviation Safety Agency is the governing agency for all European regulations in the environment of Operations, Maintenance, Airports, Air Traffic Control and Air Navigation. In 2002 empowered by the European Commission Regulation EC 1592/2002, EASA created European Commission Regulation EC No. 2042/2003 which together with several amendments provided us with EASA Part M of this regulation. Specifying airworthiness requirements for EU based carriers and owners of private aircraft in regard to the obligation to manage continuing airworthiness. This was further consolidated in 2014 with introduction of the updated regulation 1321/2014 which together with further amendments is current today (Jun 2016). EASA creates a notice of proposed amendment to an existing requirement or a new requirement which after approval is issued as a “Commission Regulation”. After a period of transition the applicable law (Implementing Rule) together with the appropriate Acceptable Means of Compliance becomes a legal requirement in all member states. Course type: Presentation with voice over Duration equivalent to 2-day classroom training Time to get finish this course will be withing 60 natural days.
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